How to live forever has been a human pursuit as old as time, but Jesus transcends the physical world and offers a glorious eternal life.
Author: Ellen
Ministry in Myanmar: A Perilous Calling
The ministry in Myanmar is a perilous calling. Rural pastors spread the Gospel amid ongoing civil conflict.
Gems of Faith: True Blessedness
True blessedness, as expressed in Jeremiah 17:7, is an exclusive privilege reserved for those who place unwavering trust in the Lord.
Reconsidering Our Perspective on Trials and Tribulations
Reconsidering our perspective on trials and tribulations is essential for spiritual growth to closely align ourselves with God’s plan for us.
Joy, Trials, and Patience
“Joy, Trial, and Patience” sermon teaches us that we can count our trials and troubles all joy because we know our reward is great in Heaven.
Perfected for His Purpose
We are perfected for His purpose. In so doing, we will discover a depth of purpose and fulfillment beyond our imagination.
The God of Peace
The God of Peace will make us into His own image. He will make us perfect in every good work to do His will, which is pleasing in His sight.
Judeo-Christian Law
Judeo-Christian law played a significant role in shaping the ideals enshrined in America's founding documents.
God Bless America: A Song of Peace and Patriotism
"God Bless America," sung during times of war and peace, is a reminder of America's aspirations and a hopeful plea for continued blessings.
Pedrone Ministry College
Pedrone Ministry College prepares people for roles in education, pastoral, and mission endeavors with a servant-leadership attitude.