Great Expectations

Great Expectations

“Great Expectations” gives us a little preview and small glimpses of what the new heaven and new earth will be like.

August 8, 2022August 10, 2022by
The Purpose of a Church

The Purpose of a Church

“The Purpose of a Church” sermon teaches us that every true church is commissioned to carry on the work of Jesus Christ until He comes again.

Aviation Missionaries

Aviation Missionaries

Aviation missionaries take flight to serve God in faraway lands, carrying the Gospel message to the farthest reaches on earth.

August 6, 2022August 10, 2022by
The Hardest Fire to Quench

The Hardest Fire to Quench

“The Hardest Fire to Quench” is a sermon teaching us to control our tongues so as to build each other up and not tear each other down.

James Strong and His Masterwork

James Strong and His Masterwork

James Strong produced the masterwork most Christians and Bible students are familiar with today, “Strong’s Concordance.”

May 24, 2022July 4, 2022by
Where is Thy Sting?

Where is Thy Sting?

“Where is Thy Sting?” - The Apostle Paul wrote how death does not have the last say in our lives. Christians are assured everlasting life.

April 25, 2022July 4, 2022by
Keep Your Balance

Keep Your Balance

“Keep Your Balance” is a sermon teaching us how to achieve and maintain spiritual balance and that we find perfect balance in Jesus Christ.

When You Fall

When You Fall

“When You Fall” is a sermon teaching us that you may fall spiritually but with God’s help and His strength, you can get back up and go on.