Bibles for China is heeding God's call to put His Word into the hands of His people in economically depressed rural areas of China.
Author: Ellen
“Priorities” is a sermon teaching us that if we follow the priorities God wants in our lives, then He will fill all our needs.
It’s Time to Seek the Lord
“It’s Time to Seek the Lord” sermon teaches that our flesh will try to stop us from seeking the Lord, but we must yield to the Holy Spirit.
Redemption Draweth Nigh
Read the personal testimony of Mrs. McClure and her message in song of the beloved gospel favorite “Redemption Draweth Nigh.”
Be of Good Cheer
“Be of Good Cheer” is a sermon reminding us to be cheerful because our sins are forgiven, He is with us through our troubles, He is not finished with us, and we belong to Him.
Christ’s Promises to His Own
“Christ’s Promises to His Own” affirms that we can hold fast to Christ’s faithfulness for He is the Faithful Promiser to those who believe in Him.
Are We The Ones Who Are Wrong?
“Are We The Ones Who Are Wrong?” sermon questions whether Christians are to blame for what’s happening now and if the Lord will really return.
Great Expectations
“Great Expectations” gives us a little preview and small glimpses of what the new heaven and new earth will be like.
The Purpose of a Church
“The Purpose of a Church” sermon teaches us that every true church is commissioned to carry on the work of Jesus Christ until He comes again.
Aviation Missionaries
Aviation missionaries take flight to serve God in faraway lands, carrying the Gospel message to the farthest reaches on earth.