“A Heart Filled with Thanksgiving” describes the impact of being thankful to God for all your life experiences and how it can help others.
Author: Ellen
Pray for Persecuted Christians
“Pray for Persecuted Christians” provides insights into the difficult circumstances of Christians living in the midst of persecution.
Faithful Servants
“Faithful Servants” sermon teaches how and why we should be faithful to the Lord so that we can make a positive impact on someone’s life.
The God of All Comfort
“The God of All Comfort” sermon teaches us that we suffer and are comforted by God so that we may learn how to comfort others.
Finding Lost Treasures
“Finding Lost Treasures” is a sermon teaching us that there is much rejoicing in Heaven for each soul that was lost and has been found.
The Greatest Battle of Our Time
“The Greatest Battle of Our Time” highlights the challenges Christians face from modern humanism and what we can do about it.
Wisdom is Better Than Gold
“Wisdom is Better Than Gold” sermon teaches us that we choose either our way or God’s way and that we ultimately answer to God for the choices we make.
Enemies, Part 6: How to Deal with Your Enemies
“Enemies, Part 6: How to Deal with Your Enemies” sermon teaches that we should choose God’s standard to love our enemies rather than the world’s standard to hate our enemies.
The Dangers of Another Gospel
"The Dangers of Another Gospel" is a sermon that highlights the importance of sharing the true Gospel with other people who are lost, it is the duty of every Christian.
Enemies, Part 5: Friends and Enemies
“Enemies, Part 5: Friends and Enemies” sermon teaches us to choose if we are friends with the present world system and be enemies of God or be friends of Jesus and be treated by the world as an enemy.