The Road to Faithfulness

The Road to Faithfulness

“The Road to Faithfulness” sermon teaches us that it takes faith to become a Christian and faithfulness to live the Christian life.

Infinite Greatness of God

Infinite Greatness of God

"Infinite Greatness of God" explores what the all-knowing, ever-present, and all-powerful attributes of God are like.

August 1, 2021June 8, 2022by
Where’s Jesus?

Where’s Jesus?

“Where’s Jesus?” sermon teaches us where Jesus is. He is with you now as the Holy Spirit and is with you always even to the end of the world.

Is It Christ or Judgment?

Is It Christ or Judgment?

"Is It Christ or Judgmnt?" sermon teaches it is our choice to die and pay for our sin or accept payment was made for us by Jesus Christ.

Our Citizenship

Our Citizenship

“Our Citizenship” is a sermon teaching us that believers are citizens of Heaven and should live like the living and not like the dying.

Wake Up America

Wake Up America

“Wake Up America” is a sermon teaching us to put God first, then love one another, and then respect the government according to God’s will.

July 4th, A Country Founded on Faith

July 4th, A Country Founded on Faith

July 4th, a country founded on faith, commemorates the day in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress.

July 2, 2021June 8, 2022by
In God We Trust

In God We Trust

“In God We Trust” is a sermon teaching us that America was founded on Christianity and now we need to get back to those basic principles.

Ancient Christian Hymns

Ancient Christian Hymns

Ancient Christian hymns are among the earliest writings ever found in human history, giving us a peek into church life over 2,000 years ago.

June 21, 2021June 8, 2022by
The Spirit-Filled Life

The Spirit-Filled Life

“The Spirit-Filled Life” sermon teaches that believers are equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to complete God’s will in our lives.