"One More Year to Bear Fruit" is a sermon teaching us that our time in this world is limited and we should use our time well by bearing fruit for the Lord.
Author: Ellen
Ravi Zacharias: Defender of the Christian Faith
Ravi Zacharias presented and defended Christian theology through apologetics, which started with the Apostle Paul’s preaching on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31.
The Righteous Roman
"The Righteous Roman" is a sermon teaching us that Christians should care for others who can't give back and have great faith like the Roman centurion.
You Don’t Have to Be Famous
"You Don't Have to Be Famous" sermon teaches us that God has a work for each of us to do. There are untold billions who have served and are not famous.
A Wounded Spirit
"A Wounded Spirit" sermon teaches us that there is a difference between offended, assaulted, and wounded and how God can help us recover from each of these.
Looking for That Blessed Hope: Lord’s Return
"Looking for That Blessed Hope: Lord’s Return" is a sermon teaching us that we are to live as Christ-like as we can be and be ready for the Lord’s return.
How to Win the Race
"How to Win the Race" sermon teaches us that the Christian life is like running a race, starting on the day of salvation until we finish the Lord's work.
In God is Our Trust
"In God is Our Trust" is a sermon teaching us that the United States was founded by people who were Christians or at least held Christian principles.
I Will Bless the Lord at All Times
"I Will Bless the Lord at All Times" sermon teaches us that you can surrender all your cares and worries to God and trust that He will take care of you.
Renewed Strength
"Renewed Strength" is a sermon teaching us that if we grow weary doing the Lord's work, God will renew our strength if we start with a personal revival.