Do You Love Me?

Do You Love Me?

“Do You Love Me?” Jesus asked Peter, the church, and individuals. We must not forget our first love, Jesus.

The Harvest Truly Is Plenteous

The Harvest Truly Is Plenteous

"The harvest truly is plenteous" emphasizes the vast number of people who are still lost and in need of salvation.

September 14, 2024October 14, 2024by
Impressing God

Impressing God

Impressing God means aligning our lives with His will and seeking to please Him in every aspect of our existence, while cultivating a genuine relationship with Him.

August 29, 2024October 5, 2024by
The Source of Temptation

The Source of Temptation

“The Source of Temptation” is a sermon that teaches us to ask God for help resisting temptation so that we do not sin against Him.

Resisting Temptation

Resisting Temptation

Resisting temptation is a constant battle in the Christian life. We should choose to prioritize God's will over our own desires.

August 15, 2024October 5, 2024by
How to Live Forever

How to Live Forever

How to live forever has been a human pursuit as old as time, but Jesus transcends the physical world and offers a glorious eternal life.

August 12, 2024August 13, 2024by
Gems of Faith: True Blessedness

Gems of Faith: True Blessedness

True blessedness, as expressed in Jeremiah 17:7, is an exclusive privilege reserved for those who place unwavering trust in the Lord.

July 28, 2024August 14, 2024by