People Too Good for This World

People Too Good for This World

“People Too Good for This World” sermon teaches us that what sets us apart from the rest of the world is our faith and faithfulness to God.

Finding Serenity

Finding Serenity

Finding serenity in uncertain times might seem impossible, but not when you look to God for His calming presence.

April 10, 2024April 22, 2024by
Internet Preachers

Internet Preachers

“Internet Preachers” sermon teaches that it's not what the preacher says that matters; it’s what the Bible says that counts for eternity.

Seeing Him Who Is Invisible

Seeing Him Who Is Invisible

“Seeing Him Who Is Invisible” sermon teaches we follow God having not seen the one in whom we believe, but believing in Him who we shall see.



God-breathed is the literal translation of “Theopneustia,” the Greek word found in 2 Timothy 3:16, meaning inspired.

April 2, 2024April 22, 2024by
The Man Who Never Died

The Man Who Never Died

"The Man Who Never Died" is a sermon teaching us that like Enoch, we should walk, talk, and speak with God and believe Him.

As His Custom Was

As His Custom Was

“As His Custom Was” sermon teaches us that just like Jesus did, we are to make it a priority to gather in the Lord's house on the Lord’s Day.