The First Sunday Evening Service

The First Sunday Evening Service

"The First Sunday Evening Service" sermon teaches us after Christ arose, He said "Peace be unto you." to his assembled disciples - the first church service.

Forty Days

Forty Days

"Forty Days" is a sermon teaching us that after His resurrection, Jesus walked among us for forty days. The Bible presents forty days of resurrection proof.

Open His Eyes

Open His Eyes

"Open His Eyes" is a sermon teaching us that we need to open our eyes. We all need spiritual awakening and see that God is doing things even in these times.

Jesus Wept, Again

Jesus Wept, Again

"Jesus Wept, Again" sermon teaches us about Palm Sunday when Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem before His crucifixion, to fulfill God's plan of salvation.

“Peace, Be Still.”

“Peace, Be Still.”

Let "Peace, be still." reign in our hearts. During these troubling times, never forget that God is in control. He always has been and always will be.

March 31, 2020June 8, 2022by
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

"The Time of Jacob's Trouble" sermon teaches that during the great tribulation to come, God will rapture the church, save Israel, and rule from Jerusalem.

I Will Not Leave You Comfortless

I Will Not Leave You Comfortless

"I Will Not Leave You Comfortless" sermon teaches us that the child of God is never truly alone. When you believe in God, the Holy Spirit dwells in you.

The Everlasting Arms

The Everlasting Arms

"The Everlasting Arms" is a sermon teaching us that God calls us to believe in Him and then we can claim Him as our eternal God and rest in Him.

The Safest Place to Rest In

The Safest Place to Rest In

"The Safest Place to Rest In" sermon teaches us that we need to trust in the one who can give certainty. God will protect us and tells us not to be afraid.