Essential Communication

Essential Communication

"Essential Communication" is a sermon teaching us to spend more time in God's Word. We communicate with God through reading His word and through prayer.

A Rock in a Weary Land

A Rock in a Weary Land

"A Rock in a Weary Land" is a sermon teaching  us that no matter how strong we are, we are not truly strong unless we are spiritually strong in God.

Coming Home

Coming Home

"Coming Home" is a sermon teaching that if you are not as close to God as you once were, it's time to come home. Pray for others to come home too.

Because Ye Despise This Word

Because Ye Despise This Word

"Because Ye Despise This Word" teaches us that if we turn to God we receive His grace, mercy, and love. Or, we can rebel and receive His judgment.

Who You Are in Christ Part 3

Who You Are in Christ Part 3

"Who You Are in Christ Part 3" teaches us that God's promises of blessings, powers, and truths are only given to those who believe in Christ. Do you?

Who You Are in Christ Part 2

Who You Are in Christ Part 2

"Who You Are in Christ Part 2" teaches us that by accepting Jesus we become new creatures in Christ. If we sin, ask for forgiveness, and He will forgive.

Who You Are in Christ, Part 1

Who You Are in Christ, Part 1

"Who You Are in Christ, Part 1" is a sermon teaching us a basic Christian doctrine. God's blessings are available to us once we accept Christ as our savior.

A Foundation Stone

A Foundation Stone

"A Foundation Stone" is a sermon teaching us that Jesus Christ is the sure foundation for our christian life, our church, and our relationship with God.

A Word to the Wise

A Word to the Wise

"A Word to the Wise" is a sermon teaching us to flee from temptation. In scripture, we are given wise counsel, we are told how to deal with it.