Those Who Lead Nations to Sin

Those Who Lead Nations to Sin

"Those Who Lead Nations to Sin" is a sermon about the book of Malachi which shows how the leaders of worship led a nation into failure and away from God. If we have the best of the material, but don't have the best of the spiritual, we are doomed to fail. Find out if you are living a life that honors God.

Father Forgive Them

Father Forgive Them

"Father Forgive Them" is a sermon about who Jesus asked God the Father to forgive when He was being crucified. Those that mocked and crucified Him, did not know He was the only one that could bring them hope. But Jesus prayed not only for them but all of us, to forgive us our sin. Do you know God's plan for redemption?

God Has Not Changed

God Has Not Changed

"God Has Not Changed" is a sermon concerning the immutability of God. Being unchangeable is an attribute of God. Although we may change, we can trust God because He does not change. Can you put your trust in the unchanging God?

The Cost of Discipleship

The Cost of Discipleship

"The Cost of Discipleship" is a sermon about being a follower of Jesus. There are three types of spiritual growth - the believer, the disciple, and the Christian. All are saved, but this sermon focuses on the disciple. Find out if you are a disciple.

The Things Which Be God’s

The Things Which Be God’s

"The Things Which Be God's" is a sermon about taking a fresh look and setting our priorities straight. Give respect to government and obey the law. Do the same for God. Give God trust and obey Him. Have you put your trust in Jesus or in yourself?

Think on These Things

Think on These Things

"Think on These Things" is a sermon concerning the spiritual growth of believers. We are to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are not to be self-centered but should help others. Find out how to grow in Christ.

The Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord

"The Day of the Lord" is a sermon teaching us that God is keeping His promise of judgment. The "Day of the Lord" is a day of God's judgment. God is patient toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should repent. Find out if you are ready for the Day of the Lord.

Running to the Finish Line

Running to the Finish Line

"Running to the Finish Line" is a sermon that teaches us to be a light in this dark world so that we can show people the path to truth. Paul pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Are you all that you can be to follow Jesus? 

Lost Things

Lost Things

"Lost Things" is a sermon about how wonderful it is when lost things are found. He lets us choose to be saved. If you are lost, find out how to be found.

Tyre Would Have Repented

Tyre Would Have Repented

"Tyre Would Have Repented" is a sermon that speaks to God's promise to protect Israel. According to scripture, those that bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed. Find out how the great Phoenician city of Tyre was destroyed and lessons learned.