My Father, Your Father, Our Father

My Father, Your Father, Our Father

"My Father, Your Father, Our Father" is a sermon about God the Father who is the father of believers. Jesus Christ said He and the Father are one.

Risen With Christ

Risen With Christ

"Risen With Christ" is a sermon that teaches the difference between knowing about God and knowing God. It is an important difference between life and death. Find out why the best thing to happen in your life is to be born again.

Golden Years with God

Golden Years with God

Spending golden years with God is truly a blessing. As baby boomers enter retirement, the need for senior ministries is on the rise.

April 26, 2018June 8, 2022by
God the Father, Part 2

God the Father, Part 2

"God the Father, Part 2" is a sermon about the work of God. Instead of working to produce only temporary things, we should be focusing on work that leads to everlasting life. Find out what Jesus said about doing the work of God.

Look Unto Me and Be Ye Saved

Look Unto Me and Be Ye Saved

"Look Unto Me and Be Ye Saved" is a sermon concerning the worship of God. People worship all kinds of gods, especially the god of self, being preoccupied with what is good for oneself. Is there something greater than ourselves that we should be concerned about? Find out if man is in need of a Savior.

God the Father

God the Father

"God the Father" is a sermon focusing on our relationship with God. Can we come to God and call Him our Father? Get a better understanding of who we are, who God is, and how we can relate to each other. 

The Eternal Son of God

The Eternal Son of God

"The Eternal Son of God" is a sermon focused on the return and reign of Jesus Christ.  His return to Earth is two-fold. Known as the "Rapture" He will return to take His people home. He will return again for judgment, at the end of what we call the "Tribulation" period, and will establish His kingdom on Earth.

I Shall Come Forth as Gold

I Shall Come Forth as Gold

"I Shall Come Forth as Gold" is a sermon that speaks to our times of trouble. When you go through a troubling time, seek the Lord to help you. Job endured great adversity, stayed true to God, and then was blessed bountifully. Find out if Jesus really cares about what you're going through.

Walking with Jesus Daydreaming (Unaware)

Walking with Jesus Daydreaming (Unaware)

"Walking with Jesus Daydreaming (Unaware)" is a sermon about two followers of Jesus who walked with another traveler who later revealed Himself to be Jesus. Find out what happened to these travelers who were caught unawares of who they were with. Learn how your faith can be strengthened by listening to this sermon.

And They Remembered His Words

And They Remembered His Words

"And They Remembered His Words" is a sermon on the resurrection of Jesus Christ that happened on the first day of the week. When Jesus' tomb was found empty, the apostles remembered the words He spoke of His own death and rising again. Find out the significance of His resurrection by hearing this sermon.