Baptist International Missions

Spreading God’s Message

Who We Are

Baptist International Missions, Incorporated (BIMI) began in 1917 when Anton and Viola Andersen dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel in Africa. Over 40 years of service yielded thousands who came to know Christ. The mission field expanded into the Belgian Congo in 1955 under the Congo Gospel Mission. After closing in 1960 due to revolution, the mission enlarged to spread the Gospel worldwide under Baptist International Missions. Since then, ministries were extended into 100 fields around the world with one thousand missionaries. BIMI continues to assist local churches with their efforts to fulfill the Great Commission.

Below are excerpts from Baptist International Mission’s website. To find out more, please visit the BIMI website.

The 100 Nations Project

A few years ago, God laid on my heart the vision of seeing BIMI ministering in 100+ nations of the world. At that time, the Mission had workers in about 80 nations. After I shared my vision with other colleagues, we worked together to make this our goal. As of our 50th Anniversary, BIMI personnel are in or on deputation to 100+ nations. We can only praise God for this victory. After all, Jesus did tell us, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

Learn more by going to The 100 Nations Project.

Aviation Ministries

For over 40 years BIMI missionaries have been using aircraft as a valuable tool to aid in evangelizing isolated peoples and establishing indigenous churches. From Africa to Central America, from the Islands of the Caribbean to remote villages in the far north of Alaska and Canada, BIMI missionary pilots have used their skills and aircraft to transport themselves, fellow missionaries, and nationals to serve often forgotten people. They have proclaimed the Good News of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus but also have transported disaster relief, Christian literature, medical teams, and served as a supply line for the missionaries and nationals living in the tribal villages.

Find out more information by visiting BIMI’s Aviation Ministries.

Bible Distribution

The distribution of the Word of God is of utmost importance when it comes to the task of worldwide evangelization. The Bible is clear in Romans 10:17 that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (emphasis added). So many places in our world do not have ready access to God’s Word. Baptist International Missions is striving to put the Bible into the hands of people who have never owned or may have never seen a copy of God’s written Word.

Learn more by visiting BIMI’s Bible Distribution.

Caribbean Radio Lighthouse

As a missionary radio station, the Caribbean Radio Lighthouse broadcasts the good news of God’s Word to the islands of the Eastern Caribbean. Located on the tropical island of Antigua and operated by Baptist International Missions, Inc., the station has been used by the Lord to strengthen local churches by teaching and encouraging individual Christians through sound, Bible-based programming. Reaching from Eastern Puerto Rico south to the northern Windward Islands, our AM broadcast covers over twenty islands with a population of two million; our FM broadcast reaches a growing Spanish-speaking audience in Antigua and nearby islands; and we can also be heard online. The Lighthouse brings Biblical teaching to islands not reached by any other Evangelical radio station which conforms to the fundamental doctrines of God’s Word.

Find out more by going to BIMI’s Caribbean Radio Lighthouse.

Orphanage Ministries

Did you know that Baptist International Missions has missionary orphanages in India, Nepal, Romania, Uganda, Bolivia, Kenya, and the Philippines?

Many of us have seen advertisements wanting us to help hungry children around the world. Have you ever asked yourself how much of the money you donate actually gets to help these children? How much goes to pay for those TV commercials, the direct mail appeals, and the salaries of those who run those organizations? In James 1:27, God says that “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction…”

Our missionaries are primarily church planters, but in that process, God opens the door to rescue children from wretched street life and often total rejection from society. Many of our missionaries have and are reaching out with compassion to children “in their affliction” in the countries where they serve.

Learn how you can help by going to BIMI’s Orphanage Ministries.

Keep up with the mission work in New Zealand, and visit the Bankston Family.

==> View more missions that West Park Baptist Church supports.