Baptist Mid-Missions

Preaching and Teaching the Gospel

Who We Are

We are proud supporters of Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM). This page features excerpts from the BMM website. To find out more, please visit the BMM website.

God burdened a Michigan pastor and his wife, William and Genevieve Haas, for the people of Africa and led them to serve there in 1911.  This missionary experience compelled them to seek Him for more workers. The Haases returned to the US to gather pastors, and William convincingly presented the opportunity and urgency.  They organized the General Council of Cooperating Baptist Missions of North America, Inc. (now Baptist Mid-Missions) on October 15, 1920, at the First Baptist Church in Elyria, Ohio.  Our first group of six missionaries courageously sailed a few weeks later to bring the gospel to French Equatorial Africa.

In 1953, the name was formally changed to Baptist Mid-Missions. Today they continue in the same spirit of reaching places and people who have not yet heard or responded to the gospel.

Missions in Japan

God led Baptist Mid-Missions to enter Japan in 1949, and in 1953 BMM moved its center of work to Fukushima Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo. Gradually, the ministry of Baptist Mid-Missions expanded and opened new areas, including the Tokyo suburbs and Okinawa. Later, missionaries began churches in Chiba and Saitama prefectures and started a camp in Fukushima. Working in cooperation with Baptist Mid-Missions, missionaries helped form a Japanese mission agency, which has sent missionaries to Bangladesh and rural Japan. Missionaries also teach at Grace Baptist Bible School, which offers three-year and four-year courses for Bible, theology, and missions.


  • Assist current church plants
  • Disciple Japanese believers, teaching them to teach others how to disciple
  • Strategically plant new churches
  • Train new Japanese pastors

Workers Needed

The Joshua Project estimates a need for nearly 2,500 workers in Japan. No matter what skill set a person may possess, God can utilize it for His glory. Everything from church planters to IT specialists can serve God in Japan, furthering the reach of the gospel. Parachurch ministries such as the Bible school, camp, podcast/video ministries, and English classes allow for using one’s God-given gifts. Ultimately, Japan needs more church planters and church-planting support to aid the Japanese in building up the church in Japan for God’s glory.

Heeding God’s Call

Learn of the good work being done in Japan by Nobby and Bev Tajima.

Listen to this inspiring Fishers of Men sermon by Nobby Tajima.

==> View more missions that West Park Baptist Church supports.