Basic Principles of Bible Study

Basic Principles of Bible Study

Presented at West Park Baptist Church Sunday School on February 5, 2023.

If you want to benefit from studying the Bible, then you must know how to study properly. These basic principles of Bible study present a systematic approach so that you’ll gain a greater understanding of Bible truths.

2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


I.   Approach the Bible as the Inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.

A.  Follow a literal method of interpretation – the Bible says what it means and means what it says.

B.  Understand that the best commentary on Scripture is Scripture.

II.  Always keep words and verses in their context. If and when a verse is difficult to understand read the verse before it and the verse after it. If there is still a question read the chapter, then the book, and eventually the entire Bible. In almost every case understanding will be found in context.

A.  Scripture never contradicts Scripture.

B.  When the clear and literal sense makes good sense then seek no other sense.

III.  Always Allow the Scripture to Correct Your Understanding Rather than Trying to Correct the Scripture with Your Understanding.

IV.  Do not interpret Scripture with current trends, denominational prejudice, or personal preference.

V.  Seek to understand the chronology of the Scriptures and the historical setting of the book or passage that is being studied.

VI.  The first time a subject is mentioned in the Bible sets precedence for subsequent mention of the same subject.

VII.  In studying a passage, ask yourself: Who is speaking? To whom are they speaking? What is the message that is being conveyed?

You can also download and print a copy of these Basic Principles for Bible Study. Click here.