Bethany Homan: Missionary to Peru

Bethany Homan: Missionary to Peru

Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” – Psalm 37:4-5

Bethany Homan is a missionary in the city of Tacna, Peru. Since 2009, she has been honored to serve the Lord in the cities of Arequipa and Tacna. Homan works in Calvary Baptist Church with Robert and Sara Stover and their national pastor, Pastor Henry Sucapuca, and his wife Irene.

She works with children, teens, and ladies ministries and leads bus routes and children’s bible clubs throughout the city. Her focus is on soul-winning, personal evangelism, and discipleship of new Christians.

Homan is working to start a Christian school ministry out of Calvary Baptist Church due to the great need for Christian education in Peru. She says, “Not only is the public school system below par and often negligent academically, but their philosophy is wholly unbiblical. The families of our church desire to educate their children biblically, but homeschooling is not permitted for Peruvian children. Please pray for the needs involved in starting this ministry.”

Serving to Save Others

Homan accepted Jesus as her personal Savior when she was five years old.  She recalls, “I remember realizing after a story in my Wednesday night class that even though I was a “good kid,”  I was a sinner.  I went home that night and my father led me to the Lord in our living room.”  Homan desired to be a missionary since she was about eight years old.  She studied missions and secondary education at Crown College of the Bible in Knoxville, Tennessee.  After college, the Lord led her to teach at West Gate Christian School in Tampa, Florida, for four years, and then she started her deputation in 2006. “I am so grateful to be able to fulfill my life’s dream by working in missions and serving the Lord here in Peru,” she says.

Christian School Ministry

Homan’s desire is to start a school in Tacna, Peru that is focused on Biblical standards and a Biblical worldview. To start, a kindergarten program for ages 3, 4, and 5 will be offered. During the first phase, property large enough to accommodate the school will need to be secured. Budget and timeframe requirements must be met as well as funds to buy desks, chairs, bookcases, and other furniture. To save more money they will wait one more year to start the school project.

“Please continue to pray for this ministry, and that the Lord will lead us and bless us as we work to start a Christian school here in Tacna,” says Homan.

Children and Teen Ministries

God is blessing the teen ministries.  Currently, the Teen Sunday school class has grown to 20 to 25 students every Sunday.  Many of these teens come on her bus route.  Excited and involved, the teens invite their friends and are determined to not miss Sunday services.  Saturday teen fellowships are also held, giving the teens a time for spiritual diversion and another chance to hear God’s word each week. 

Homan asks, “Please pray for this ministry that God’s hand would remain with the teens.  Pray that the teens will not be distracted by the world’s desires and distractions. Also, pray for the teens to continue in their spiritual growth and to be grounded in their faith during these key years.”

Deaf Ministries

Homan started a deaf ministry in Tacna and has been able to participate in a program for adult education (similar to a GED program). She teaches English and Religion classes to a group of deaf adults who are some of the most faithful in the deaf ministry in the church.

She requests, “Please continue to pray as I reach the Spiritual needs of the deaf community and help how I can with their educational, economical, and communication needs. Pray that the education programs will continue to be an avenue of testimony to the deaf community.”

For more information visit or on Facebook.

==> And read William Carey: Father of Modern Missions

==> Also read Eric Liddell: Winning the Race.