Bibles for China

Bibles for China

Touching China One Bible at a Time

Bibles for China (BFC) is a non-profit ministry headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that has been funding and distributing the Word of God in the rural and rural poor areas of China openly and legally through the generosity of its faithful supporters.

In recent years as China reopened to the west, God has called Bibles for China to put His Word into the hands of His people in economically depressed rural areas of China. The ministry’s founder made a promise to a small gathering of rural Christians in central China that he would find a way to see that everyone who wanted a Bible in rural China would be able to have one, in spite of their ability to afford it. This has been Bibles for China’s mandate from the beginning and will continue to be so into the future.

Bibles for China is committed to doing whatever it can legally do to help Christians in rural China have access to the Word of God. They partner with trusted brothers and sisters within the church in China. These partners find where the needs are greatest and see to the details of the distribution of Bibles.

There are approximately 1.4 billion people in China, nearly one-fifth of the world’s population It is estimated that there are over 100 million Christians in China and that as many as 30,000 more are coming to faith in Christ each day; most of whom will never be able to afford their own Bible.

The need for the Bible is still great. For many years the Bible was illegal, and officials actively worked to remove the Bible and all it stood for from public life in China. But now the Word of God is again legal.

Bibles for China Rural Church

“While there have been increasing challenges for the church the last few years, the doors remain open for us to help get the scripture into places it has long been absent,” stated Kurt Rovenstine, President of Bibles for China. “We will jump through as many hoops as is necessary because we believe that the Bible transforms lives in countless ways. When the Bible is read, believed, and applied, it makes such an incredible difference in individuals, families, and communities.”

A Collaborative Process

Bibles for China funds Bibles printed at Amity Printing Press, the world’s largest Bible production base. This operation is funded by partners from 45 countries and 49 states who provide the financial resources for purchasing Bibles written in Mandarin, the reading language in China. The Bibles are printed in China, and in partnership with the Chinese Christian Counsel, Bibles are provided to local Christian brothers and sisters who distribute them to believers throughout rural China. Bibles for China has helped provide Bibles for local distribution throughout rural China since 2011.

Legal Distribution

Because Bibles for China is committed to operating openly and legally, they are treated as a welcomed guest in China. They are permitted to verify the distribution of complete copies of God’s Holy Word in many provinces with the assistance of local authorities.

Bibles for China Rural Christians

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the Bibles complete and accurate?

Yes. In 1919, after seeing the need for a more accurate translation, a panel of many different Protestant denominations produced the Chinese “Union Version” translation. Often referred to as the “Missionary Bible,” it is the most highly desired Bible among rural Chinese believers. It is also the most widely accepted version among Chinese believers worldwide.

How do you know the people actually receive the Bibles?

Bibles for China sends teams to ensure the Bibles are delivered to their intended destinations. They also personally verify their placement into the hands of the precious believers in rural China.

The Church in Rural China

The church in rural China is very vibrant, but there is a significant shortage of Bibles. When the Word of God is read, it will change lives. One informal study completed after a Bible distribution event revealed:

  • The Bibles were read (cover to cover) by some individuals in as little as six weeks.
  • Each Bible is often shared with as many as five other people who read it cover to cover in the first year.
  • For every Bible distributed, three additional people came to Jesus Christ as their Savior.

To learn more about Bibles for China, visit their website at

Photos source: Bibles for China

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