Calvary Baptist Bible College: Gospel Gem in Mumbai, India

Calvary Baptist Bible College: Gospel Gem in Mumbai, India

Nestled amidst the scenic Sahyadri Hills outside Mumbai, India, Calvary Baptist Bible College (CBBC) and Seminary sprawls across eight acres of verdant land. A world away from the city’s clamor, this tranquil setting offers the perfect environment for students to flourish in their preparation for Gospel ministry through the power of God’s Word.

The college’s mission is nothing less than shaping eternity and the church itself. It achieves this by training future church planters and leaders, both in India and around the globe, who are firmly grounded in biblical principles. Its graduates are equipped to build up the church and fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples who will go forth and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

CBBC is more than just a Bible college. It is a beacon of excellence and innovation in Christian education. With a vision extending beyond the classroom, CBBC strives to engage believers and convert non-believers in the local community, across India, and worldwide. This commitment to excellence and innovation ensures that students receive a top-notch education that prepares them for a lifetime of service.

Philosophy of Education

Calvary equips students for impactful ministry – whether in a church pulpit, on the mission field, or within a Christian school setting. Their graduates are well-prepared to serve God effectively and honorably upon graduation.

For four decades, CBBC has championed core Christian beliefs. The faculty all subscribe to the following:

  • The absolute inerrancy and authority of the Bible.
  • God’s sovereign role in salvation.
  • The cessation of certain revelatory gifts in the modern era.
  • The importance of evangelism and missionary work.
  • A young-earth creationist view.

CBBC emphasizes expository preaching, which is rooted in meticulously studying the original biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew. Students witness this approach firsthand in classes, chapels, and church services. They gain practical experience and confidence through preaching and teaching opportunities in real-world ministry settings.

The college is renowned for its rigorous academics and challenging curriculum. Students delve into biblical languages, principles of biblical interpretation (exegesis), expository preaching, church history (including Baptist history), pastoral theology, and church administration. A foundation in systematic theology unifies all coursework.

CBBC fosters a close connection between academic learning and practical ministry experience. Students are encouraged and expected to:

  • Deepen their relationship with Christ through consistent Bible reading and memorization.
  • Preach the Gospel with passion and reach out to the lost.
  • Gain regular ministry experience in a local church.

The college’s educational philosophy equips students to pursue their unique calling in God’s service and ministry.

The Founding of Calvary Baptist Bible College

The college’s founder and president, Rev. Chandrashekhar Eda, brings a wealth of experience to his roles. He teaches Church History, Missiology, and Pastoral Theology while also serving as lead pastor at Chembur Biblical Baptist Church and Vashi Naka Biblical Baptist Church. Rev. Eda and his wife, Irene, have both been devoted to serving God since 1981, the same year they were married.

Reflecting on their ministry journey, Rev. Eda expresses deep gratitude for how God has used him and his wife. He echoes the sentiment of 1 Samuel 7:21, acknowledging God’s work in and through them over the years.

Rev. Eda’s path to CBBC began with a calling to Mumbai. Raised in a Christian household by God-fearing parents, he found faith in Jesus Christ through his mother’s guidance. After completing a science degree, he pursued business and even secured a job in the army. However, a conversation with his pastor led him to prayer and a change of course. He felt a stronger pull towards serving the Lord and enrolled in a Bible college in Bangalore for three years, even amidst initial struggles.

Rev. Eda credits his uncle, Dr. Jacob Chelli, with a pivotal moment. Dr. Chelli said, “Once you’ve committed to serving God, don’t look back.” This divine nudge and a growing burden for Mumbai as their mission field led Rev. Eda and his wife to the city. They arrived amidst heavy rains in September, embarking on a three-year church planting ministry. Their pioneering efforts proved instrumental in establishing 13 churches.

Today, Rev. Eda shepherds three churches while drawing support from his faculty. Recognizing the vast population of Mumbai (then 17 million, now around 19 million) and the lack of a central India Bible college to train preachers, Rev. Eda felt a strong call to establish Calvary Baptist Bible College. The college’s beginnings were humble, operating out of rented facilities and facing significant challenges, including persecution. Over twelve years, they relocated eleven times before finally securing a permanent location, a testament to God’s provision for their endeavors.

A Rewarding Journey

Rev. Eda acknowledges the college’s challenging journey, echoing the Psalmist’s words in Psalm 66:14: “We faced trials by fire and water, but the Lord brought us to this wonderful place.” He deeply thanks God for guiding them and enabling them to build something significant “with nothing in our hands.”

His appreciation extends to their friends and supporters. He thanks those who offered prayers and those whose financial contributions proved invaluable. Rev. Eda concludes with a powerful declaration: “May the name of our almighty God be glorified and continue to be with us as we persevere in training young men and women for ministry service.”