July 4th, a country founded on faith, commemorates the day in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress.
Category: Bible Facts
Ancient Christian Hymns
Ancient Christian hymns are among the earliest writings ever found in human history, giving us a peek into church life over 2,000 years ago.
Called to Serve God and Country
Called to Serve God and Country; American chaplains of various faiths serve the men and women in uniform in every branch of the armed forces.
Lest We Forget
“Lest We Forget” reminds us to never forget the high cost of freedom and that God is the source of the freedom we enjoy.
The Guarantee of Life Everlasting
The guarantee of life everlasting is promised to us by Jesus Christ. His resurrection secured His promise to believers. Evidence proves it.
Giving Thanks to Our Great God
Celebrating Thanksgiving Day is a festive national holiday. A time for feasting with family and friends and being thankful for the blessings God has given us.
Museum of the Bible
The Museum of the Bible is an educational institution with a global purpose to invite all people and engage with the Bible's transformative power.
Discover Bible Facts
Here are some fun Bible facts that you may not have known. Learn something new and share it!
The Power of One
The Power of One - what does the Bible say about the importance of “one” and its impact on our belief system, our lives, and our existence?
Science and the Resurrection
Can the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually be proven through science? As debate continues, there is growing evidence backing up His resurrection.