“Out from the Depths” tells of a wayward Christian’s realization of how far they have wandered from God and if they could return to Him.
Category: Encouragement
Where is Thy Sting?
“Where is Thy Sting?” - The Apostle Paul wrote how death does not have the last say in our lives. Christians are assured everlasting life.
In Times Like These, Look to the Lord
In times like these, many are discouraged and under stress. It is the perfect time to be reminded of encouraging words from the bible to share with others.
Keeping Faith in Troubled Times
Keeping faith in troubled times can be trying, but as Christians, we have assurances from God who will get us through. Keep up the faith.
“Peace, Be Still.”
Let "Peace, be still." reign in our hearts. During these troubling times, never forget that God is in control. He always has been and always will be.
The Secret Weapon
With "The Secret Weapon" we find the Gospel burning brightly in countries where Christianity is being systematically eradicated.
Rise Up as Eagles
The verse, Isaiah 40:31, has become a source of strength, encouragement, and hope for many through the ages.
God is Our Fortress
As believers we are confident knowing that God is our protector and we can live with divine peace in our hearts.
We Have Hope Because He Lives
As Christians, we look forward to that blessed hope when one day, we shall be with Jesus. We have this hope because He arose from the grave. The resurrection is central to our Christian faith.
God’s Promises of Faith, Hope, Love
For those who are believers in God, He gives us promises of faith, hope, and love to sustain us in our daily life. We can rest in the knowledge that God loves us and cares for us as only He can. No matter how tumultuous our lives become, He is there with us. When friends...