Empower Missionaries

Empower Missionaries

Christians can empower missionaries, which allows us to become partners in fulfilling the Great Commission together:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” – Matthew 28:19-20

You Can Change the World

The world seems more complex and challenging with each passing day. Believers in God’s Word are witnessing prophecy unfolding as the stage is being set for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Now, as we face the impending actuality of upcoming events as presented in the Bible, the need to step up and do the Lord’s bidding in seeing souls saved is urgent. Whether you feel called to the mission field or to support those who are, there’s a role for everyone in spreading the Gospel.

Seven Ways to Empower Missionaries

Christian missionaries, compelled by the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), dedicate their lives to sharing the Gospel and serving communities around the world. This vital work can be bolstered by the prayers, encouragement, and practical support of believers back home. Here are seven ways you can be a strong supporter and help empower missionaries to thrive:

1. Prayer: The Powerful Pillar (James 5:16)

The Bible emphasizes the importance of prayer. James 5:16 reminds us, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Missionaries often face cultural barriers, language difficulties, and even physical dangers. Prayer is a vital source of strength and encouragement. Commit to regularly praying for their specific needs, from safety and wisdom to spiritual guidance and success in their ministry. Knowing they have a prayer support network back home can make a world of difference.

  • Pray for spiritual guidance: Ask God to grant missionaries wisdom and discernment as they navigate complex situations (Proverbs 3:5-6).
  • Pray for protection and provision: Missionaries often work in challenging environments. Pray for their safety and for God to meet their needs (Psalm 91).
  • Pray for fruitfulness: The ultimate goal is to see hearts transformed by the Gospel. Pray for open hearts and receptive ears in the communities missionaries serve (Colossians 4:2-4).

2. Financial Stability: Fueling the Mission (Philippians 4:15-19)

Financial support is crucial for missionaries to focus on their ministry. Regular contributions, even small amounts, can add up and provide a stable foundation. Consider partnering with a specific missionary or organization whose work resonates with you. Many missions organizations have secure online giving options, making it easier than ever to contribute.

  • Become a monthly supporter: A consistent commitment provides reliable income for missionaries and their families.
  • Give one-time gifts: These can be especially helpful for covering specific needs or projects.
  • Support mission organizations: These groups vet missionaries, provide training and resources, and facilitate financial giving.

3. The Power of Encouragement: A Listening Ear (Psalm 112:6-7)

Missionary life can be isolating and demanding. Stay connected with missionaries you support through regular communication and words of encouragement. Your efforts will make a significant difference.

  • Stay in touch: Send emails, letters, or cards expressing your appreciation for their work.
  • Ask questions: Show genuine interest in their ministry and lives.
  • Celebrate their victories: Acknowledge the challenges they overcome and the fruit they bear.

4. Practical Help: A Helping Hand (Romans 12:13)

Missionaries often juggle many responsibilities, from teaching and healthcare to construction and community development. Consider offering practical support that aligns with your skills. Even small acts of service can free up valuable time for them to focus on core ministry activities.

  • Care packages: Send items missionaries might struggle to find locally, like familiar foods, books, or school supplies for their children.
  • Technical skills: If you have expertise in accounting, web design, or other areas, consider offering your services remotely.
  • Advocacy: Raise awareness about the work of missionaries and the needs of the communities they serve.

5. Advocacy: Sharing the Story (Psalm 96:1-3)

Missionaries can’t reach everyone everywhere. Help amplify their message by becoming an advocate and inspiring others. Raising awareness about the work of missionaries and the needs of the communities they serve is crucial. Talk to friends and family about the missionaries you support. Advocate for missions within your church community and encourage others to get involved.

  • Raise awareness: Share their stories, updates, and the positive impact they are making on social media.
  • Get involved: Consider organizing or participating in mission conferences or events that raise awareness and support for their work.
  • Extend their mission: You can also advocate for causes they support, such as poverty alleviation or education initiatives.

6. Homecoming Support: A Warm Welcome (Hebrews 10:25)

Missionaries often return home periodically for furloughs. This is a crucial time for them to connect with supporters, share updates, and raise funds. Here’s how you can help:

  • Offer hospitality: Open your home for them to stay or provide a meal.
  • Help with logistics: Assist with transportation or errands.
  • Spread the word: Encourage your church community to connect with the missionaries during their furlough.

7. A Shared Calling: The Importance of Partnership (Acts 13:2-3)

The Bible highlights the importance of teamwork in spreading the Gospel. View yourself as a partner in the missionaries’ work, not just a financial contributor.

  • Research: Learn about the missionaries’ field of work, the culture they serve, and the specific challenges they face.
  • Understanding: Be patient and understanding. Cultural adaptation and ministry results take time.

Empower Missionaries and Save Souls

Romans 11:16 beautifully highlights the interconnectedness of the body of Christ: “For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.”  By incorporating some of these practices, you can become a strong source to empower missionaries. We become partners in their work, fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) together.

Remember, God equips and empowers those He calls (2 Timothy 1:7).  As we stand with missionaries in prayer, practical support, and encouragement, we play a vital role in extending God’s love and message of hope to the world, especially during these turbulent times.

Learn more about Missions We Support