Loving Your Enemies

Loving Your Enemies

Loving your enemies might seem like an insurmountable hurdle, yet it’s a core principle in the Bible. Recognizing this inherent difficulty, Jesus offers guidance to His followers:

Matthew 5:44: “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

How to Love Your Enemies

Understanding Love: First, recognize this love isn’t about warm fuzzy feelings. It’s about goodwill and a desire for their well-being. The Bible uses the word “agape,” a love based on principle, not emotion.

Romans 13:10: “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”

Shifting Perspective: See your enemy not as a monster, but as a human being who might be hurting or lost. Perhaps they were wronged or simply haven’t experienced God’s love. Empathy can bridge the gap.

Breaking the Cycle: Responding with anger or hatred perpetuates negativity. Choose kindness, even a simple courtesy. This disrupts their expectations and may plant a seed of change.

Action Speaks Louder: Love can’t be passive. If someone’s hungry, offer food. If they need help, lend a hand (with boundaries, of course, if they’ve caused harm). Actions demonstrate genuine care.

Forgiveness is Key: Holding onto resentment only hurts you. Forgive them not because they deserve it, but for your own peace and to show God’s forgiveness through you.

Matthew 6:14: “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:”

Matthew 6:15: “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

Pray for Them: Prayer is a powerful tool. Pray for their well-being, for God to soften their heart, and for guidance in how to interact with them.

Remember the Goal: Loving your enemy isn’t about making them your best friend. It’s about breaking the cycle of negativity, showing God’s love, and potentially leading them to a better path.

Imperfect Progress: You’ll stumble. There will be days forgiveness feels impossible. That’s okay. Ask God for strength, and recommit to loving your enemy each day. Remember, God’s love for you is unconditional. Let that inspire you to extend the same to others.

Rewards for Loving Your Enemies

Living this principle of loving your enemies takes constant effort, but the rewards are immense. You’ll experience inner peace, potentially transform a relationship, and become a beacon of God’s love in the world.