Redemption Draweth Nigh

Redemption Draweth Nigh

During a church service held in August of 2022, Mrs. McClure gave her personal testimony before singing a message in song. Mrs. McClure is the wife of Dr. Michael McClure, Senior Pastor of West Park Baptist Church in Delray Beach, Florida. The song, Redemption Draweth Nigh, is a long-time favorite of Mrs. McClure’s.

Personal Testimony of Mrs. Cathy McClure

Pastor asked me to sing this song. I usually don’t give a testimony before singing, but when he asked me to sing this song it put me on a nostalgia path. I guess I am obeying a prompt. Chris said to go ahead and invite people to the meeting. It reminded me that in 1977 when I was 18, you can do the math. I wasn’t living at home at the time. My mom asked me to come to a youth rally and a revival service as they used to call them back then. So, I came because my mom asked.

My grandma and grandpa had been praying for me for a long time. Some of you may think that I grew up in the church and I didn’t. So, grandmas and grandpas never stopped praying for your grandkids. They never gave up.

But in 1977, I went to the meeting and heard Dr. Estus Pirkle preaching, Dr. Eddie Champion, at Winston Drive Baptist Church, if you’re listening. He preached and I did not ask the Lord to save me then because I’m a person that has a lot of questions. So, I went and headed home. I called him up after that night asking do you this, do you that, all kinds of things, all kinds of questions. He was very patient, and God was very patient and long-suffering.

I am so thankful because when I totally understood, I could not deny the obviousness of God’s love and Jesus’ love for me. And so I accepted His gift of salvation. I have never looked back. It’s been really awesome.

Redemption Draweth Nigh is one of the first songs that I heard after I became a Christian and is one of the first songs I had the privilege of singing in the choir. And with all that introduction, Redemption Draweth Nigh.

Lyrics to the Song

Redemption Draweth Nigh by Gordon Jensen

Years of time have come and gone
Since I first heard it told
How Jesus would come again some day
If back then it seemed so real
Then I just can’t help but feel
How much closer His coming is today

Signs of the times are everywhere
There’s a brand new feeling in the air
Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky
Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh

Wars and strife on every hand
And violence fills the land
Still some people doubt He’ll ever come again
But the Word of God is true
He’ll redeem His chosen few
Don’t lose hope soon Christ Jesus will descend

Signs of the times are everywhere
There’s a brand new feeling in the air
Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky
Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh

Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh

About the Song

The popular Gospel song, Redemption Draweth Nigh, was written by recording artist and composer Gordon Jensen. He knew of the promise of Jesus and the scripture, Luke 21:28, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” And that inspired him to write this beautiful song.

Redemption Draweth Nigh was inducted into the Southern Gospel Song Hall of Fame in 2012. Jensen himself shared his story about writing the song. He recounted how he took it to one of the most prominent groups of that era, but they didn’t like it and told him it wasn’t the kind of song people wanted to hear.

He never gave up and continued pitching the song until the Oak Ridge Boys picked it up, and it was finally recorded. Duane Allen of the Oak Ridge Boys told Gordon that Redemption Draweth Nigh was a song that would be sung for years.

Radio airplay became widespread, and most of the groups of the early 1970s began recording Redemption Draweth Nigh. Decades later, this Gordon Jensen classic still resonates with countless listeners as groups continue to record and stage it and church choirs worldwide sing it.

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