October 30, 2022

Can Good People Go to Heaven?

Can Good People Go to Heaven?

Can Good People Go to Heaven? is a sermon teaching that we cannot trust in our goodness or riches to get to Heaven, but only by trusting in Jesus, who can forgive our sins.

Key verses:
Mark 10:17-26

Let’s take your Bibles and go to Mark chapter 10. Is anything too hard for God? That’s really the question. Is anything too hard for God? And I would submit to you, no. If God can create us, there’s nothing hard about it. But I want to talk to you this morning here about this topic, and it’s about the idea of: can good people go to Heaven?

A lot of people have this idea, “Well, you know, I’m good. I’m doing all the good I can. I’m set. I’m fine. I don’t have to worry about having these issues. I don’t sin a lot. I don’t really do things that other people do.” Many people have views on how they can get to Heaven. A lot of them think, as we said, you’re a generally good person, you can make it there. You could make it out to be a fairly cynical point of view.

If anybody could lay claim to being good, it would be the Pharisees in the Bible. They read their law. They had their phylactery on their heads. They had everything of what the law was all about, but they didn’t have a relationship with the Lord.

Also, some people believe that you just go to church and just be there every week. You’ll make it there. Just go to church, and you’ll be fine. Yes, church is a great thing. I advocate that. We’re here this morning, but it’s not going to get you to Heaven.

One Way to Heaven

Jesus says there is only one way to go to Heaven:

John 14:6: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

There is only one way to get to Heaven. Today we’re going to see an example of a common person who genuinely believes he is a good person. Like a lot of people out there today, they believe they are good, but something prevents them from acquiring Heaven.

Some people think they can buy Heaven. I submit to you that you cannot buy everything. You can’t buy Heaven. There’s no way because it is already bought and paid for, you just have to trust, and you have to accept it. Many people believe their wealth and riches will bring them happiness and joy. But when it comes to Heaven, it’s not going to buy a single thing.

I remember a song as we were picking up children on a bus route while I was interning at West Florida Baptist Church about 13 to 14 years ago. The song basically goes, “You can’t get to Heaven in a limousine. You can’t get to Heaven in a limousine. Why? Because God ain’t got no gasoline.”

Can you get to Heaven paid with gold? No, it’s used to pave the streets of gold. Your gold is going to mean nothing in Heaven.

Let’s look at Mark chapter 10, verse 26. They asked this question, and the disciples said this:

Mark 10:26: “And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?”

We’re going to come back to this verse here to understand the context. But who then can be saved? Can good people go to Heaven? I submit to you the only way to get to Heaven is by trusting Jesus as your personal Savior. It’s the only way. And we’re going to see that through the text this morning.

How to Get to Heaven

First of all, in verses 17 to22, I want to submit to you that number one, the rulers or the young man questioned – this has also been known as the rich young ruler, the young man, whatever it is because it’s mentioned in the other Gospels in Matthew chapter 19, Luke chapter 18. You see the same story with different wording. I chose Mark’s account because there are some things I really want to highlight in that section here.

Verse number 17, let’s go back up there:

Mark 10:17: “And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”

“And when he [Jesus] was gone forth into the way, there came one running.” Now, let’s look at a few things here. We get to this passage here, and it begins in Mark chapter 10. Jesus is talking about divorce and talking about marriage. And then He talks about faith as a little child, and He talks about blessing the children. Verse 15 says:

Mark 10:15: “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”

That’s going to be key, and we’re going to come back to that verse later on to summarize this and use another passage in the Book of Matthew. But He’s talking about Heaven, and He’s talking about having faith as a little child.

Let’s go to verse 17 again, “And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running.” So, we see a few things. Number one, he runs. He seems to be anxious. He seems to be in a hurry. I don’t know about you, but sometimes some people, when you talk to them about Jesus, they kind of get this, “Ugh, you are going to talk about Him again? We’re going to do this? You’re going to proselytize me and make me be this religious fanatic?”

But then there are some people who know they need something, and they want to hear it. And this is this guy. He wants to hear it, and he goes and kneels. He acts with respect. He shows respect. It even says even more so, he asks Him in verse 17, “Good Master,” – He shows respect. Master has the idea of an instructor or teacher. But notice he says, “Good Master.” He does not say, Lord. He does not say Jesus. He does not say, God. So, he looks at Jesus as a teacher, as an instructor, not as the Son of God. Now, that is really going to play into how this is going to go on.

A lot of people view God as this good teacher, as this fine guy who knows some good stuff. But He is the Creator of our being, and He is the one who sent His Son down to the earth to give us life.

Let’s continue in verse 17, “Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” I want you to notice the two personal pronouns there, “I.” He is looking at himself, and he’s saying, “What can I do? What can I do to get to Heaven?” A lot of people look at that and say the same thing today and say “What can I do to get to Heaven? Let’s continue.

Mark 10:18: “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.”

He says [paraphrasing], “Why are you calling me good? Only God is good.” But let’s continue on. He continues the answer:

Mark 10:19: “Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.”

Defraud has the idea of depriving. So, basically, Jesus is saying don’t murder, don’t cheat, don’t do all this stuff, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t take things away from people. Notice His answer in verse 20:

Mark 10:20: “And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.”

[paraphrasing] “You know, Jesus, I know you don’t know me.” But Jesus did know who he was. “I’ve done this since I was a little kid. I’ve done nothing wrong.” We don’t know what age this person is. I could assume he is somewhere in his 20s or 30s. He could be older, or he could be younger. Young could mean many things. You can be 70 and still be young. Be 80 and still be young. No, that’s old. No, you’re young. Old is being 969 years old, you’re not there yet, and you’ll never make it there in this lifetime. So, you’re still young.

Wealth as a Roadblock

So, he says, yeah, I’ve done all these things since I was a youth, as a child. I want you to notice how Jesus, what His reaction is in verse 21:

Mark 10:21: “Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.”

“Then Jesus beholding him,” – He takes a special interest in this young man’s response. He looks at him, but I want you to notice the next phrase, “loved him.” Did you know that Jesus cares for you? He already knew that this was the wrong answer, but He didn’t say, “Heh, you’re wrong. Get out of my face.” Jesus didn’t say that.

He cared about him, and he cared about him so much that he then makes this next statement to him. He says, “One thing thou lackest.” Okay, you’ve done everything, cool. Do this, “Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.”

Now, you’re thinking, that isn’t salvation. Follow along. He’s asking him; you’ve done all these things. Sell everything. Get rid of it all. Take up my cross and follow me. Verse 22 says, “And he was sad at that saying,” – what saying? “Sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.” He was sad at that statement, folks. Why? I didn’t finish the verse:

Mark 10:22: “And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.”

He had great wealth. Jesus still loves people even though they reject Him. But here’s the thing. People think they can do it on their own. This guy thought, oh, yeah, I can get to Heaven on my own. I’m a good person. Okay, sell everything you have. Oh no, I don’t want to do that.

People don’t want to give up their old style, their old way of living. That’s probably one of the biggest roadblocks to people trusting Jesus as their Savior. They don’t want to give up the things they’ve been doing. They think it’s going to be too rigid; it’s going to be too tough; it’s going to be too tight. I can’t handle this. There’s no way. Let’s continue on.

Don’t misunderstand. Wealthy people can make it to Heaven. But they need not trust in their riches to get them there. They need to trust Jesus. People look at their wealth and think, “This is all I have. This is all I’ll ever need.” You know you can’t take that to Heaven.

Also, understand good people don’t need to trust in their goodness to get them there. They need to trust in God, trust in God’s goodness, the goodness of salvation.

The Love of Money

Hold your place in Mark chapter 10, I want you to come to 1 Timothy chapter 6. What causes some people to turn away from the Lord? Here are some examples, some things right here, verse nine:

1 Timothy 6:9: “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.”

They go into temptation. They fall into this because of wanting more and more. Rich people want more riches. But drowns them in their loss and their ruin, and their destruction. Verse 10 is misinterpreted so much. Let’s read it in context.

1 Timothy 6:10: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

People say that money is the root of all evil. What word is taken out in verse 10? Love. “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” How? “They have erred from the faith.”

What are you saying, pastor? They trust in their riches to get there. They’ve gone into error and fallen from the faith because they think money can get them anything because of the love they have for that money. “They have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

The love of money is the root of all evil, not as how it is interpreted, mostly due to the covetous nature of wanting more money than others. They are led astray from the faith due to this covetous nature and cause sorrow to come upon them.

Trusting in Riches and Goodness

Come back to Mark chapter 10, and we’re coming down to verse 23. But as you’re back there, the young man wants to trust his riches in order to get to Heaven. But Jesus showed him how much he would need to give up to try and earn Heaven. We cannot earn Heaven. We can trust Jesus, and He gives it to us. You can’t buy your way into Heaven.

Jesus will now respond accordingly to this situation. First of all, we see the ruler’s question. Secondly, and finally, we see the Savior’s response in verses 23 to 31. In verse 23, Jesus explains this in more detail:

Mark 10:23: “And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!”

Now, I want you to notice in verse 23, the word “never” is not there. Jesus is not saying that no rich person will ever get to Heaven. It’s just hard. It’s going to be difficult. Why? Because they are trusting in their wealth and their riches to get them there.

Or a good person who maybe is not wealthy but they are just trusting in all the good they can so that way, they can get there. But let’s continue on, verse 24:

Mark 10:24: “And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!”

“And the disciples were astonished at his words,” – they were like woah, there is no way He just said that. They are going to be shocked again, trust me. Verse 24, “But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children,” – Notice how He calls them children. He’s trying to be affectionate and kind, but He also shows them they have much to learn.

There is much to learn about this concept. When you are a child, you do much of your learning as a child and as an adult, you learn a lot of things. But a lot of your basic learning comes when you are a child. You learn to walk as a child. You learn to crawl as a child. You know how to talk as a child, or infant. All your basics when you become adults start in your childhood.

And spiritually, we start as children, and they did not understand this concept. They were looking at this guy’s wealth, and they said, if this rich guy can’t make it to Heaven, how can we make it to Heaven? But notice what Jesus is trying to communicate to them.

He says, “Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!” Because they don’t know that it is free. Folks, salvation is free. You don’t have to pay a penny. A penny isn’t even much today. But you don’t need a penny. You just have to trust Him.

How do I trust? Well, right now, you are trusting that the building isn’t going to collapse on you right now on the pew you are sitting on, or right in front of you, or below you. You are already trusting. Is it that simple to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior? Follow me…

The Only Way to Heaven

Mark 10:25: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

They were amazed. They were struck about this, and they were like, there’s no way. I mean, ever try to put something big through a needle? A little difficult, isn’t it? And Jesus is equating the fact that a rich man can’t get to Heaven because he is trusting in his riches. A good person cannot go to Heaven because they are trusting in their good. The only way to get to Heaven is by asking Jesus Christ to be your Savior. Why do we keep saying that? Because that’s what the Bible says. And we’re going to see how this all plays out here. Verse 26, back to where we started:

“And they were astonished out of measure.” They were amazed. They were superabundantly amazed. This just blew their mind. They were like, “No way.” If a rich man can’t earn their way to Heaven, what about us? Why do I say that? Well, continue verse 26:

Mark 10:26: “And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?”

If a good person can’t trust their goodness to get to Heaven and a rich man can’t trust his riches to buy them Heaven, who can get saved? Verse 28, this is a verse that is extremely important to understand:

Mark 10:27: “And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”

For us to make it to Heaven, it’s impossible. “But not with God: for with God all things are possible.” This is not the only time this phrase is used in the scriptures. It’s used in Luke; it’s used some other time in the New Testament.

Are we saying that anything is too hard for God? No, because God created it. If God creates you out of the dust of the ground – have you picked up dust lately? A little dirty. Small dirt particles. If God can create you out of the dust on the ground, do you think He can find a way to make sure you can get to Heaven?

And He does it so simply. You don’t have to be the wealthiest person in the world. You don’t have to be the best person in the world. You could be a flat-out wretched, horrible, wicked sinner doing the things you can do, and God can still forgive you. Come back tonight, and we’ll talk about that. It says God can do the impossible. By ourselves, we can’t make it to Heaven. Verse 28:

Mark 10:28: “Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.”

They said [paraphrasing], “Jesus, we left everything to follow you. What is that going to earn us?” How did they follow Jesus? They followed Him by faith. How do we follow Jesus? By faith. Can we still enjoy the things that are still down here? Absolutely.

Just the other day I played ball. I enjoyed it. I even surprised myself by making a shot I thought I could never make. There are things to enjoy. But Jesus wants all of us, wants 100% of us. Let’s continue with verse 29:

Mark 10:29: “And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s,”

What’s Jesus saying here? He’s like, there are people who have done it before you, and there are going to be people after you who have forsaken all to follow me.

Focus on Heavenly Things

Here’s what’s going to happen when you follow me when you trust me as your Savior, here’s what’s going to happen, verse 30:

Mark 10:30: “But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”

The most important part is “in the world to come eternal life.” If you trust in Jesus, what are you going to have? Eternal life. How do you trust Jesus? By faith. By asking Him to forgive you of your sins, to save your soul, and to give you eternal life.

Why can’t people just go and earn their way into Heaven? Sin. Sin separates us from Heaven. God cannot allow sin into Heaven. That’s why He had to send Jesus out. Verse 31:

Mark 10:31: “But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.”

The idea here is the people who are wealthy get all their stuff now, but they will be last when it comes to eternity because they don’t trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. They are not going to get to Heaven. Those who may not be fortunate now, they are going to be blessed in eternity because they put their faith in Jesus Christ. Prominence on earth does not mean prominence in Heaven.

Matthew 6:20: “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”

Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

What’s this verse trying to tell us here? Focus on heavenly things. Focus on laying treasure up in Heaven. No one can steal your focus on Heaven or the treasures, unlike here on earth. You can have stuff here on earth, and someone can go inside your house and rob you, and then you have nothing. But they can’t take away your eternal life. Why? Who has it secured? Jesus Christ. They can’t take away your wealth in Heaven. It’s already there.

How do we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior? Well, you can’t be good and get there. You can’t trust in your riches and get there. How do you go to Heaven? How can people go to Heaven? In Matthew 18, Jesus was asked by His disciples [paraphrasing], “Who is the greatest in Heaven?” Jesus called a little child to Him, and in verse three:

Matthew 18:3: “And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

How do you get to Heaven? A childlike faith. You have to understand that you are a sinner. Because you are a sinner, that’s why there is a penalty for sin and that’s why there is death. But God gave his Son, Jesus Christ:

John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

God gave us a free gift. What do we need to do? Accept it.

Romans 10:13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

It only takes one time.

Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

“For by grace are ye saved through faith,” – not by riches, not through wealth, through faith. “And that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

Ephesians 2:9: “Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Trusting Jesus Earns Eternal Life

In conclusion, good people don’t go to Heaven because of their good deeds or their wealth. They go to Heaven because they asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior. We can look around and see those of us who are wealthier here on earth. “Look at this guy. He can have all this and his fancy car and fancy houses and all his wealth. Why can’t he share that with me?

“Set our affections on this above, not beneath,” Colossians tells us. But they cannot take their wealth into Heaven. We must have a heavenly focus as we serve the Lord. If you are not saved, then you need to ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior before this means anything to you. Can’t get to Heaven unless you are saved until you ask Jesus and come to that place and say, “Jesus, forgive me of my sins, for I am sorry. Just save my soul and give me eternal life.” That’s all you have to do. Repent of your sins, change your mind, and trust God. Trust Jesus to be your Savior.

“What if I’m already saved?” What if you are already in this room and you’ve asked Jesus Christ to be your Savior? “How does this message apply to me?” Do you know of a good person? I’m sure you do. Are they saved? Have they asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior? If they don’t, you have a mission. You have a goal. And what is that? To tell them. What did the disciples do? They told.

Did they get mocked? Sure. Did they get rejected? Sure. Could we be rejected? Absolutely. Could we be made to look like a crazy person? Sure. But at least you are telling them the truth. You are not telling them a lie. You’re not telling them that they have to do some crazy ritual. All they have to do is believe.

And if they don’t believe, then guess what. They have now rejected God. But you pray for them. That’s how this message applies to those who are saved, who asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior, that they try to reach and tell those who haven’t asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior. There are many people out in this world today who don’t know who Jesus is, and they need to know because if they die before they know, it will be too late.

Two questions. Number one: Are you saved? Have you asked Jesus Christ to be your Savior? I’m sure the majority in this room can say that. But if you haven’t and you want to know, I encourage you before you leave this morning to talk to myself, talk to my wife, talk to someone else. We want you to know for sure.

And number two, the invitation would be this: Maybe you know someone else that isn’t saved. You take that time to pray for them. You can be a witness and a tool to share with them how they can trust Jesus Christ to be their Savior.


Father, I pray for this day that you have given to us. We thank you for the opportunity we have here together. We thank you for those who are here. Father, there may be someone in this room who doesn’t know who you are, who hasn’t asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior. Father, I plead for that person in this room or persons in this room that they would know for sure, that they would not leave these doors today without trying to find out if Heaven is their home. That they have asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior and that they know for sure they are going to Heaven. They cannot trust their goodness. They cannot trust their riches. They can only trust Jesus, who can forgive our sins.

Maybe there is someone in this room who says, “Pastor, I know someone who isn’t saved. I pray that you would help me to pray for them, that they would be open to the Gospel. I am sure there are people in this room – I can think of at least one or two or three people, or I can think of at least five right now who I know who don’t know Jesus. They need to be prayed for. They would be able to accept and trust Jesus, to be shown the Lamb of Glory. Father, I pray that you would bless and move in this invitation time. We pray in Jesus’s name.

Watch the prerecorded live version of the entire service and sermon, Can Good People Go to Heaven?, on Facebook.

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About the Speaker

Rev. Christopher K. Lewis

Rev. Christopher K. Lewis

Assistant to the Pastor

Christopher K. Lewis is the Assistant to the Senior Pastor of West Park Baptist Church. Rev. Lewis helps the senior pastor with various church duties and guides others to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.