Solomon Ministries

Solomon Ministries

Solomon Ministries is an independent Bible-based ministry addressing the growing needs of ALL Christian believers. Pastors, Christian leaders, and their congregations are provided free counsel and solutions to ensure they are prepared for retirement and long-term health care needs.

Pastors and Christian Leaders

The ministry deeply understands the sensitive issues surrounding the conversation of a pastor or Christian leader’s finances and retirement. Therefore, they carefully prepare a complimentary analysis of the present financial status and formulate a plan to meet individual financial and long-term health care goals.


Many church congregations today are hurting financially needlessly. The ministry informs God’s people of the financial truths the Bible teaches. Congregations are guided through often confusing topics, including retirement planning, health care, and legacy planning, in a biblically responsible way to support God’s Kingdom ultimately.


Navigating financial and health care issues can be daunting for many seniors, especially in a biblical manner. Solomon Ministries offers Bible-based counsel and solutions to seniors to secure their finances and long-term health.

To serve Christian believers, Solomon Ministries bring together these tools and counsel:

  • 403(b) Retirement Plan
  • Retirement Housing Allowance Planning
  • Faith-Based Investments (with active risk management)
  • Safe Retirement Accumulation Options
  • Tax-Free Retirement Income
  • State Long-Term Care Partnership Programs
  • Christian-Based Health Care Alternatives (ACA substitute)
  • Life, Disability, and Medicare Insurance Plans
  • Social Security Income Optimization Planning
  • Legacy Planning
  • Personalized Financial Planning

Steve Sanders, Founder

Brother Steve SandersSteve Sanders was saved at an early age in a fundamental Independent Baptist church. Growing up, he and his family attended church in Wichita, Kansas. Steve attended Bob Jones University and, at the age of 20, became a full-time youth pastor in Hutchinson, Kansas. Later, Steve went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to serve as the senior pastor of a Baptist church.

One day, his brother told him that the pastor of the church where Steve first attended was still preaching at age 90. His brother said the old preacher told him he had to continue traveling and preaching because Independent Baptists have no retirement plan. Surprised, Steve dived into researching the issue. He discovered that pastors and missionaries around the country had little or no retirement plans at an advanced age and were living in near poverty.

After much planning and preparation, Steve began a ministry focused on counseling and planning to ensure Baptist pastors, evangelists, missionaries, churches, and Christian schools had access to financial and retirement planning. The ministry’s services continue to expand and now include sound legal counsel from the Christian Law Association.

Steve now travels the country teaching, preaching, and meeting with churches, pastors, and mission boards. In addition, he provides financial counseling and helps set up retirement plans specifically designed for the faithful.

Steve says, “Let us help you plan. Let us help give you counsel and guidance. Let us help you to set up a plan that will provide a lifetime of income. Solomon Ministries was started for such a time as this. We do not work for any person or company. We represent the Lord and charge nothing for our services.”

For more information, visit the Solomon Ministries website at