Christmas Past, Present, Yet to Come

Christmas Past, Present, Yet to Come

"Christmas Past, Present, Yet to Come" teaches that God became flesh, came in the world to save sinners, and will return -- it's why we celebrate Christmas.



"Emmanuel" is an in-depth sermon teaching why it was necessary for Jesus to be born of a virgin. God promised a sign: the birth of the Savior by a virgin.

Who Hath Believed Our Report?

Who Hath Believed Our Report?

"Who Hath Believed Our Report?" teaches that the purpose and prophecy of the crucifixion is told in Isaiah Chapter 53, written 712 years before it happened.

The Unrecognizable Savior

The Unrecognizable Savior

"The Unrecognizable Savior" teaches that the people of Israel would be redeemed and ultimately be brought back to the Lord. It's why we preach the Gospel.

In the Face of Jesus

In the Face of Jesus

"In the Face of Jesus" teaches that when we get to Heaven we will see God. We'll be looking at the face of Jesus. And when we see Jesus we will be like Him. 

They Shall Know That I Am The Lord

They Shall Know That I Am The Lord

"They Shall Know That I Am The Lord" is a sermon teaching us that God rules in the affairs of men. He will return as Savior and we need to be on God's side.

Childlike Yet Complicated

Childlike Yet Complicated

"Childlike Yet Complicated" teaches to believe with a childlike faith and not complicate salvation or Christian living. Just follow God's Word faithfully.

Trusting in Wickedness

Trusting in Wickedness

"Trusting in Wickedness" teaches that many people have turned to wickedness and don't fear God. We should trust in the one that can save. His name is Jesus.

The Holy One of Israel

The Holy One of Israel

"The Holy One of Israel" is a sermon teaching that God's righteousness is the standard for all mankind because there is no other God. He is the only Savior.