What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

"What Did You Say?" is a sermon teaching us to not murmur and dispute which cause division in the church. Find out about the importance of what we say.

What is Worship?

What is Worship?

"What is Worship?" is a sermon teaching us to center our thinking around God and His message. Learn if anything is in the way of you worshipping God.

Strangers and Pilgrims

Strangers and Pilgrims

"Strangers and Pilgrims" is a sermon teaching us that as believers we become strangers and pilgrims in this world. Learn how we have direct access to God.

When Bitterness Turns Into Envy

When Bitterness Turns Into Envy

"When Bitterness Turns Into Envy" is a sermon studying three examples of bitterness in the Bible. Brotherly love can conquer bitterness, but it is a personal choice to make. Find out more about overcoming envy and bitterness in your life.

The Things Which Be God’s

The Things Which Be God’s

"The Things Which Be God's" is a sermon about taking a fresh look and setting our priorities straight. Give respect to government and obey the law. Do the same for God. Give God trust and obey Him. Have you put your trust in Jesus or in yourself?

The Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord

"The Day of the Lord" is a sermon teaching us that God is keeping His promise of judgment. The "Day of the Lord" is a day of God's judgment. God is patient toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should repent. Find out if you are ready for the Day of the Lord.

Running to the Finish Line

Running to the Finish Line

"Running to the Finish Line" is a sermon that teaches us to be a light in this dark world so that we can show people the path to truth. Paul pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Are you all that you can be to follow Jesus? 

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

"Jesus Loves Me This I Know" is a sermon about coming to God with a simple childlike faith. We are to live an example that is reflective of Christ. Christians are representative of Christ. Find out what the scriptures teach about the children of God.

If We Faint Not

If We Faint Not

"If We Faint Not" is a sermon teaching us not to faint in the circumstances we are in. Christians are guaranteed eternal life and cannot lose their salvation, but are not promised an easy life. Find out if you are relying on God to help you through your circumstances.

Graduating from the School of Life

Graduating from the School of Life

"Graduating from the School of Life" is a sermon teaching us that time spent here on Earth is in preparation for time spent in Heaven. We have a lot to learn while we are still alive. Find out how you can graduate from the school of life.