Wisdom is Better Than Gold

Wisdom is Better Than Gold

“Wisdom is Better Than Gold” sermon teaches us that we choose either our way or God’s way and that we ultimately answer to God for the choices we make.

The Dangers of Another Gospel

The Dangers of Another Gospel

"The Dangers of Another Gospel" is a sermon that highlights the importance of sharing the true Gospel with other people who are lost, it is the duty of every Christian.

Enemies, Part 5: Friends and Enemies

Enemies, Part 5: Friends and Enemies

“Enemies, Part 5: Friends and Enemies” sermon teaches us to choose if we are friends with the present world system and be enemies of God or be friends of Jesus and be treated by the world as an enemy.

Enemies, Part 4: Who Is the Enemy?

Enemies, Part 4: Who Is the Enemy?

“Enemies Part 4: Who is the Enemy?” is a sermon preparing us for the battle of the souls of mankind. Trust the Lord to get you through the battle as opposed to trusting your own strength.



"Enemies, Part 1" sermon teaches that we should stand for the truth and not compromise the Word of God. We should not blend truth with error.

The Greatest of These

The Greatest of These

“The Greatest of These” is a sermon teaching us that the greatest among hope, faith, and charity, is charity, a sacrificial love.

It Is Time to Sing a New Song

It Is Time to Sing a New Song

"It Is Time to Sing a New Song" sermon teaches that our labor on this Earth will not be in vain. Keep the faith and earn a crown in Heaven.