When All Is Lost

When All Is Lost

"When All Is Lost: A Reflection on Hurricanes Helene and Milton" - The Bible offers solace and hope, even in catastrophic circumstances.

November 18, 2024November 28, 2024by
Our Radiant Days

Our Radiant Days

“Our Radiant Days” describes how Christians can share the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ especially during these troubling times.

May 17, 2024May 26, 2024by


God-breathed is the literal translation of “Theopneustia,” the Greek word found in 2 Timothy 3:16, meaning inspired.

April 2, 2024April 22, 2024by
Learning from Our Mistakes

Learning from Our Mistakes

Learning from our mistakes can transform our stumbles into stepping stones on our journey toward spiritual maturity.

January 28, 2024February 22, 2024by
Artificial Intelligence and the Bible

Artificial Intelligence and the Bible

“Artificial Intelligence and the Bible” is a fascinating topic, sparking debate among theologians, ethicists, and technology experts.

January 18, 2024January 18, 2024by
1611 Project

1611 Project

The 1611 Project produced the King James Version Bible, the first translation that impacted English-speaking and other cultures worldwide.

June 14, 2023June 16, 2023by
Science Confirms the Bible

Science Confirms the Bible

Science Confirms the Bible: The theory of divine engineering is changing our understanding of biology and challenging the theory of evolution.

March 6, 2023March 7, 2023by