Bibles for China is heeding God's call to put His Word into the hands of His people in economically depressed rural areas of China.
Tag: christian
Send the Light
Send the Light of the Gospel around the world. Through advanced technology, it is more possible than ever before to help spread God's Word.
A Heart Filled with Thanksgiving
“A Heart Filled with Thanksgiving” describes the impact of being thankful to God for all your life experiences and how it can help others.
Pray for Persecuted Christians
“Pray for Persecuted Christians” provides insights into the difficult circumstances of Christians living in the midst of persecution.
Bethany Homan: Missionary to Peru
Bethany Homan: Missionary to Peru serves in the city of Tacna. She is involved in various ministries and is starting a Christian school.
Love Conquers All
"Love Conquers All" is beautifully told in I Corinthians Chapter 13, known as "The Love Chapter." Learn about love's importance and power.
The Power of Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness can heal us spiritually and physically. Unforgiveness hampers your testimony. Forgive others as Christ forgave us.
William Carey: Father of Modern Missions
William Carey: Father of Modern Missions left a legacy of teachings, translations, educational establishments, writings, and social reform.
Ravi Zacharias: Defender of the Christian Faith
Ravi Zacharias presented and defended Christian theology through apologetics, which started with the Apostle Paul’s preaching on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31.
Keeping Faith in Troubled Times
Keeping faith in troubled times can be trying, but as Christians, we have assurances from God who will get us through. Keep up the faith.