As Christians, we are called to duty – to rise up and get busy doing the Lord’s work because the time is short before His return.
Tag: christians
The Harvest Truly Is Plenteous
"The harvest truly is plenteous" emphasizes the vast number of people who are still lost and in need of salvation.
Ministry in Myanmar: A Perilous Calling
The ministry in Myanmar is a perilous calling. Rural pastors spread the Gospel amid ongoing civil conflict.
Impact of the Resurrection Today
The impact of the resurrection today profoundly affects the lives of Christians around the world in many ways.
Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is Christmas! The birth of Jesus, our Savior, is the reason to celebrate the season.
July 4th, A Country Founded on Faith
July 4th, a country founded on faith, commemorates the day in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress.
Francis Scott Key: God and Country
Francis Scott Key loved God and country. He wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner" but also wrote hymns and advanced Sunday School in the American West.
Franklin Graham: Being Used for God’s Glory
Franklin Graham, being used for god's glory is his life's mission. Evangelist and international relief worker, he's making a difference in our world.
The Secret Weapon
With "The Secret Weapon" we find the Gospel burning brightly in countries where Christianity is being systematically eradicated.