The Joy of Motherhood from a Father’s Perspective

The Joy of Motherhood from a Father’s Perspective

The Joy of Motherhood from a Father’s Perspective is the heartwarming reflection of a first-time father expressing love for new life and thankfulness to God.

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed: her husband also, and he praiseth her.” – Proverbs 31:28

The moment is arriving at any time. You have dreamed of this moment since you learned that you and your spouse would be having a child. You have seen the various things that she has had to go through. Whether it be pain, aches, nausea, vomiting, cravings, or whatever the case may be. The moment you have been anxiously awaiting is about to come to pass.

Then the process starts to deliver the newborn babe. You watch as she is in pain. There’s nothing you can do but encourage and comfort her as she endures the labor pains. You see, as the process gets closer and closer. You see her agony, but you also see the joy that starts to appear when she thinks about what the little babe will look like. Then it’s go time. You see her pushing and breathing. You experience a whole range of emotions as you and your wife are in this critical time. Then, at last, after many, many hours, you see it. You see your child for the first time. And the mother’s first reaction, and rightfully so, is to grab and cherish her new little life.

Watching this moment play out on March 27, 2023, was such an experience that cannot really be placed into words. It’s an experience you hardly could have imagined, yet you feel a change in your life and her life that galvanizes you and takes away all of the pain you just endured moments ago.

As I saw my wife giving birth to our baby Abigail, I could only think of this verse in Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Here I am, just ten months from just marrying this woman, and now she is bringing a new life into this world and fulfilling God’s command to multiply and replenish the earth. When she saw Abigail come out, I noticed she went into “mother mode” and instantly sought to relieve this precious newborn’s fears. She had been in the womb for the last 39 weeks. She was now in a new place and only wanted to find the voice that soothed her, and that voice was my wife’s voice.

As the first hours passed, all I could think about as I watched my wife nurture and comfort her was that just a few months and weeks ago, she wasn’t too sure how she could handle a newborn. Maybe most first-time mothers have this thought as they get closer to having a child. I remember telling her that she would know what to do when the time came, and here I am, seeing this play out before my very eyes in the hospital. The scenes with my wife and Abigail bring tears to this dad’s eyes. Tears of joy and happiness and tears of the reality of finally being a father to a child, whereas I didn’t know who my dad was growing up.

The Joy of Motherhood from a Father's PerspectiveAs the first weeks of Abigail’s life have flown by, I have seen my wife in a different light. I have fallen more in love with her as I see her enjoy motherhood and supplying Abigail’s need for food and nourishment. I feel the same way as the proverb in chapter 31:11 says, “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.”

As I write, The Joy of Motherhood from a Father’s Perspective, I still enjoy watching her relax our daughter as it is time for bed in a short while. I know she is tired, and I know it’s a lot of work for her to constantly feed and take care of Abigail, but I know seeing her joy in motherhood makes this dad super proud and happy to call her wife! Proverbs 31:30 “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”